Case Study: DecisivEdge delivers Operating Theater Management Solution for Ruby Hall Clinic

DecisivEdge delivers Operating Theater Management Solution for Ruby Hall Clinic in Pune, India


The Operating Theater is a vital part of any hospital system.  Ruby Hall Clinic, a prominent hospital system was finding it difficult to mannually manage its Operating Theaters.  The booking of Operating Theaters, assigning Doctors, Nurses, and managing equipment was a tedious task when done manually.  Hospital leaders were looking for an automated system to perform these actions which could help them manage Operating Theaters efficiently.


DecisivEdge delivered a modern, automated solution for Operating Theater Management as part of the upgrade and re-platforming of the hospital’s information systems. The new solution enabled the hospital to manage the day-to-day scheduling, billing and reporting for operating theaters efficiently. The core areas addressed by the solution include –

  • Scheduling Module – Book OT, Reschedule/ Cancel Booking. Book Specialized OT equipment. Schedule Surgeon, Assistant Surgeon and Anesthetist.
  • Billing Module – Charges for OT, Surgeon / Anesthetist and Equipment. Integration with Central Billing, Pharmacy and Doctor Accounting.
  • Reporting Module – Dashboard for OT and Doctors, Equipment Utilization. Performance Metrics for OT, Surgeons and Anesthetists. Monthly Revenue Report for OT, Surgeons and Anesthetists. Monthly Quality Indicators for OT and Anesthesia.


DecisivEdge’s Operating Theater Management Solution has been successfully deployed at the hospital. This system helped the hospital to solve the challenge of manually managing the Operating Theaters. Below are key benefits achieved since deploying the solution –

    • Improved scheduling efficiency and increased OT utilization
    • Reduced booking cancellations and rescheduling
  • Better OT equipment utilization
  • Improved productivity for surgeons and anesthetists
  • Improved billing processes and reduced revenue leakage
  • Convenience to staff, patients and doctors

Given the success of this project, the hospital has engaged DecisivEdge to modernize other key operating areas within the hospital as well.


“The OT Management solution provided by DecisivEdge allows us to handle Operating Theaters efficiently, reducing the work load significantly. Now we are able to utilize all of our Operating Theaters optimally and accurately. ”

*This page has been updated for accuracy as of June 2024.

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