DecisivEdge to deliver a talk at the International Association of Financial Crimes (IAFCI)

Newark, Delaware (May 4, 2016) – Andrew MacDowell, Senior Vice President and leader of the Business Optimization practice at DecisivEdge will deliver a talk on “The Emergence of Fraud in an EMV/Chip Environment” at the Keystone Konnection 2016 Seminar and Trade Show on May 9th at the Seven Springs Mountain Resort in Seven Springs, PA.

The Keystone Konnection is hosted by the Delaware Valley and Pittsburgh Metro Chapters of the International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators (IAFCI), and MAGLOCLEN. The seminar will address the most current fraud trends as they relate to advances in technology.

Fraud and security are top of mind for financial institutions, as criminals continue to employ more sophisticated means to commit fraud. Companies will need to unite in their efforts to defend themselves from these challenges.

In his talk, Andrew will specifically address the national roll-out of EMV in Canada and the dramatic impact it has had on fraud. He will discuss Canada’s experience and the lessons it has for the rollout of this technology in the United States.

About DecisivEdge

DecisivEdge is a technology services and consulting company. We support our clients’ critical business and technology needs by providing them with the customized technology solutions, operational strategies and detailed analytics required to seize their market opportunity.

We are knowledge leaders with deep experience. Our clients benefit from our unique ideas, knowledge of industry best practices and our ability to develop creative solutions to overcome their highest priority business and technology challenges. Our collaborative approach is designed to really understand our clients’ business objectives, and then deploy a seasoned solution delivery team to get the job done right the first time. To learn more, send us an email at GetResults@DecisivEdge.Com.

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